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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 6
First page : ( 2204) Last page : ( 2206)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Studies on the Effect of Plant Density and Method of Planting on Leaf Area of Medicinal Coleus [Coleus forskohlii (willd) Briq.]

Rao Ch Chandrasekhar, Chandrasekhar R, Rajkumar M

College of Agriculture, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad-30

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Wider spacing (60 cm*45 cm) resulted for more leaf area compared to 60 cm*30 cm and 60 cm*20 cm at 30 DAP, 90 DAP and 150 DAP, might be due to maximum sunlight exposure to canopy resulted in more translocation of photosynthetic assimilates thereby maximum leaf number and area. The number of leaves per plant was maximum in wider spacing due to maximum utilization of space, water and light. Ridge and furrow method of planting recorded maximum leaf area over flat bed method during all crop growth stages, might be due to congenial soil conditions like good soil aeration, friability, effective soil drainage might have helped the plant with good water continuum and better soil air exchange for effective root respirationand root proliferation might have caused maximum uptake of nutrients and water resulted into higher dry matter accumulation. The higher Bulk Density prevailed in ridge & furrow method enabled the soil to store more water per unit volume of soil, and nourished its roots directly and also through nutrient solution thereby increase in more Number of laterals and leaves.



Effect, Plant Density, Method, Planting, Leaf Area, Medicinal Coleus, Coleus forskohlii.


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