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BIOINFOLET - A Quarterly Journal of Life Sciences
Year : 2020, Volume : 17, Issue : 4b
First page : ( 631) Last page : ( 632)
Print ISSN : 0973-1431. Online ISSN : 0976-4755.

Histopathological changes in digestive glands of fresh water mussel, Lamellidens consobrinus after intoxication of cromium tri-oxide

Bhangale Bhagyashri S.

Department of Zoology, Bhusawal Arts, Science and P.O. Nahata Comm. College, Bhusawal, Dist Jalgaon (M.S.)

Online published on 22 January, 2021.


Lamellidens consobrinus were intoxicated with CrO3 and then analyzed for histo-pathological changes in digestive glands. Many digestive tubules were damaged the inter-tubular spaces. The digestive cells were separated leading to tubular atrophy, as a result of which endo-cellular digestion, absorption and detoxification was adversely affected. The histopathological changes suggested that the mussels give can be used as markers for studies on heavy metal pollution in freshwater ecosystem.



Histopathology, Digestive gland, Chromium tri oxide.


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