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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 8
First page : ( 3169) Last page : ( 3173)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Effect of Plant Bio Regulators on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Pusa Nanha

Yadav Awadhesh Chandra1, Singh Bijendra Kumar2, Dwivedi Deepa H.1, Patel Arun1

1Department of Applied Plant Science (Horticulture), School For Bio-science & Biotechnalogy Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University), Vidya-Vihar, Rae-Bareli Road, Lucknow-226 025, U.P.

2Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, email: simpalbk1987@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


To study the effect of the Plant Bioregulators viz., GA3 and Thiourea with different level of solution GA3 (50, 100, 200ppm) and Thiourea (1000, 2000, 3000ppm) for 12 hour in Papaya cv. Pusa Nanha as experiment was conducted on the Horticulture Research Farm of the Department of Applied Plant Science (Horticulture), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). The papaya seed of the variety Pusa Nanha was procured from Head, Division of Fruits and Post Harvest Technology, IARI, New Delhi. Results showed that treatment T7 had the maximum number of seed germination (74%) at 40 days after sowing. The least number of seed germinated were recorded in treatment T4 (57%). The coefficient of velocity was found to be maximum (2.40) T2 (GA3 50 ppm for 12 hours). However, treatment T6 where seeds was sown after treatment with (Thiourea 2000 ppm for 12 hours). The coefficient of velocity was lower (1.44) than the control. The maximum diameter of stem 3.42 cm was recorded with T6 (Thiourea 2000 ppm for 12 hours) followed by T3 (3.14 mm), T4 (2.74 mm), T7 (2.66 mm). The maximum plant length (16.82 cm) was recorded with T3 (GA3 100 ppm for 12 hours), T4 (16.56 cm) followed by (GA3 200 ppm for 12 hours) T7 (15.88 cm). The minimum plant height (11.82 cm) was recorded with T6 (Thiourea 2000 ppm for 12 hours). The maximum shoot length (6.52 cm) was recorded with T7 (Thiourea 3000 ppm for 12 hours), followed by T4 (6.45 cm) (GA3 200 ppm for 12 hours), T6 (5.74 cm). The minimum shoot length (4.88 cm) was recorded with T2 (GA3 50 ppm for 12 hours). The maximum length of tap root T4 (9.58 cm) was recorded with (GA3 200 ppm for 12 hours), followed by T7 (9.22 cm) (Thiourea 3000 ppm for 12 hours). The minimum length at top root (4.42cm) was recorded with T6 (Thiourea 2000 ppm for 12 hours). The maximum secondary roots (34.00 cm) was recorded with treatment T4 (GA3 200 ppm for 12 hours) followed by T3 (31), T6 (26.40). The minimum number of secondary roots (18.40) was recorded with T5 (Thiourea 1000 ppm for 12 hours). The maximum fresh weight of plant (9.79 g) was recorded with T3 (GA3 100 ppm for 12 hours) followed by T4 9.205 g (GA3 200ppm for 12 hours), T7 (7.37 g). The minimum fresh at of plant (3.29 g) was recordedwith T1 (control).



Papaya, GA3, Thiourea and Seedling.


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