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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 170) Last page : ( 175)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2017.00181.4

Factors Influencing Consumer's Intention to Adopt Digital Payment-Conceptual Model

Vinitha K1, Vasantha S2,*

1Research Scholar, School of Management Studies Vels University

2Professor& Research Supervisor, School of Management Studies, Vels University

*Corresponding author: S Vasantha Professor & Research Supervisor, School of Management Studies, Vels University, vasantha.sms@velsuniv.ac.in

Online published on 18 July, 2017.


E-payment usage depends on security and trust and therefore the increase in usage of e-payment depends on both. E-payment is a technology which doesn't involve physical cash here the payment is done through the electronic medium. Although Demonetisation prevailed a way for fillip to E-payment it has received acceptance throughout the world. But all the modes of e-payment are not used by all. It is an unavoidable fact that perceived risk is associated with the e-payment systems and it contributes to the decision factors in its usage. This paper is focussed to examine the Factors influencing consumer's intention to Adopt Digital Payment. The factors so revealed includes perceived use, perceived risk, perceived ease of use and trust. The findings based on various literature reviews recommends that consumer awareness, convenience, security, availability of e-payment tools, incentives and licit frame are the elements which can fillip the usage of e-payment system. Smartphone penetration, ubiquitous connectivity, biometrics, tokenisation, cloud computing and the Internet of Things are the various trends of transactions of consumers in future.



Attitude, electronic payment system, Factors, security, trust.


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