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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2022, Volume : 36, Issue : 1spl
First page : ( 216) Last page : ( 216)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Economics of fish production and marketing system in West Bengal

Agarwalla Kishan, Majumder Tamash Ranjan, Bhuimali Anil

Department of Economics, University of North Bengal, Siliguri, Dist. Darjeeling, West Bengal

Online Published on 16 April, 2022.


The fisheries sector constitutes an important component of the regional rural economy of West Bengal. As the fishery resource can re-generate itself naturally on a time frame that is relevant for human exploitation, its commercial production and harvesting can provide enormous scope for regional economic development on a sustainable basis. The development of the fisheries economic activities in different directions can lead to income and employment generation for the rural population on a significant scale. Marketing of fish involves all the activities in the flow of fi sh or fish products from the farmers to the consumer. Furthermore, an ideal market situation also requires satisfying all groups of players who are involved in flow of the goods and service from the producers to consumer. A study was conducted here to assess the market effciency indicators such as Gross Marketing Margin (GMM) and Percentage Share of Fishermen in the Consumer Rupee (PSFCR) among other indicators. The average price spread for different varieties of fish ranged from Rs. 12 for the Mahasir to Rs. 156 for dry fish in the year 2015–16 respectively. Varieties such as Rohu (Rs. 115 kg−1), Catla (Rs. 117.5 kg−1), Mrigel (Rs. 122.5 kg−1), Pomphret (Rs. 126.5 kg−1), Galda (Rs. 117.5 kg−1) and dry fish (Rs. 156 kg−1) recorded a comparatively higher average price spread. Varieties of fish which record higher PSFCR were Hilsa (91.26%) above 1kg, Mahasir (91.05%), Rohu (86.30%) below 500 grams, Kuncho Chingri (86.18%), Pomphret (85.97%) below 100 grams, Catla (84.67%) below 500grams, Bagda (84.47%) below 35 grams, and Kabasu (82.56%) respectively.



Fish marketing, Marketing effciency, Price spread, 5-Year moving average, Production.



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