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BIOINFOLET - A Quarterly Journal of Life Sciences
Year : 2020, Volume : 17, Issue : 4b
First page : ( 623) Last page : ( 628)
Print ISSN : 0973-1431. Online ISSN : 0976-4755.

Physicochemical and anatomical studies of Curcuma inodora blatt

Jadhao Anand S., Bhuktar Anil S.1

Department of Botany, B. S. Patel Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpalgoan Kale, Ta. Jalgoan (Jamod), Dist. Buldhana, Maharashtra, (India)

1Department of Botany, Vivekanand Arts, Sardar Dalipsingh Commerce and Science College, Samarth Nagar, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 431001, (India)

Online published on 22 January, 2021.


Attempts were made to standardized C. inodora by studying anatomical and physicochemical parameters. The anatomy of root, rhizome, leaf and petiole was studied. Leaves showed unicellular, uni-seriate, non-glandular trichomes and paracytic type stomata. Maceration study showed existence of thin wall and thick wall parenchyma cell, simple fibers, fiber tracheids, tracheids, and annular, spiral, pitted type vessels. Rhizome revealed presence of Carbohydrate, proteins, starch, amino acid, steroids, glycosides, flavonoid, alkaloids, tannins and phytosterol, but absence of saponin, phenols and terpenoids. These are species specific characters, along with chemical composition, which may be used as pharmacognostic tools for identification.



Curcuma inodora, Physicochemical characters, Anatomical features.


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