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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2018, Volume : 7, Issue : 11
First page : ( 304) Last page : ( 319)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.

Role of stakeholders in green practices of hotel industry: Evidence from greater hyderabad municipal corporation (GHMC) star hotels

Dr. Behera Arakhita

Guest Faculty Department of Economics Studies and Planning, School of Business Studies Central University of Karnataka, Kadaganchi, Aland Road, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, India, Email id: beheraarakhita996@gmail.com; barakhita88@uohyd.ac.in

Online published on 18 December, 2018.


As a service industry, the tourism sector is particularly interesting as the focus of an investigation on environmental management practices for two main reasons. First, this sector has an increasing economic importance. Second, the tourist industry shows an increasingly higher environmental concern (Hunter, 1997). This paper investigates the Green Practices (GPs) among different categories of star hotels (three star to five star deluxe only) in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) which includes both Hyderabad and Secunderabad of India. It aims to identify the level of stakeholders on GPs participation and whether GPs contribute to overall hotel performance. To achieve these objectives, stakeholder theory is selected as the theoretical basis to explicate the proposed hypothesis i.e. whether all stakeholders (government, activists, industry association, competitors, customers and top management) positively influence the green practices and whether hotels with GPs are able to drive towards better financial and non-financial performance. Data collection is carried out from 51 star hotels in the GHMC through questionnaire. A test on the hypothesis using the hierarchical regression supported the fact that stakeholder influence in the participation of GPs among GHMC star hotels are only at a moderate stage. This means that more than half of star hotels do not have written environmental policy and very few are certified to ISO-40001. It also means that except top management, activists, other stakeholders do not influence or influence in minimal in implementing green practices in star hotels.



Stakeholder, Green Practices, Star Hotels, Ghmc.


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