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Asian Journal of Development Matters
Year : 2010, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 193) Last page : ( 196)
Print ISSN : 0973-9637.

Social Science Achievements among D.Ed. Trainees: Influence of Institutions and Locality

Prabhuswamy BS

Department of Studies in Education, University of Mysore, Mysore, India.


The present study reports the social science achievement of second year D.Ed. trainees. Achievement test developed by the investigator on concepts like fill up the blanks, multiple choice, match the following, classification, true/false was employed to measure the influence of students studying government and private D.Ed., colleges as well as urban and rural students. Two-way ANOVA was employed to find out the significance of difference between trainees studying in government and private D.Ed. colleges as well as urban and rural student's results revealed that government D.Ed. college trainees have scored better marks in fill up the blanks type, classification type and true/false type. Also they have scored better in total performance. Rural area D.Ed. trainees scored better marks in multiple choice items, match the following type and overall performance. Urban area D.Ed. students have scored better marks in classification type and true/false type. Locality has influenced positively on the marks scored. Rural government D.Ed. College trainees have scored better marks in fill up the blanks types, match the following type, classification type and total performance. Urban area government D.Ed. College trainees have scored better marks in true/false type.


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