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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2654) Last page : ( 2658)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Drechslera state of Trichometasperia holmii-New Record as an Incitant of Heliconia Leaf Blight in India

Kansara S. S.1,*, Joshi D.M.2, Prajapati V. P.

1Department of Plant Pathology, N.M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India

2Plant Pathology Department, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India

3Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture Waghai, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat

*email: shivangi.kansara@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


This is the first documentation on the occurrence of leaf blight disease caused by Drechslera state of Trichometasperia holmii on Heliconia orthotricha var. she at Experimental farm of floriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat. The initially small, oval or irregular, dark brown leaf spots were observed which resulted into severe leaf blight covering entire leaves and finally leaves become dried out. Several distinct black spots were also observed on stem as well as it also spreads on bracts of inflorescence as faint brown to purple red spots. The repeated isolation from infected leaves of Heliconia and Pathogenicity test revealed that Drechslera state of Trichometasphaeria holmii (Luttrell) Subramanian and Jain was proved as an incitant of Heliconia leaf blight. Hitherto no record has been found in Gujarat and India as well.



Drechslera state, Trichometasphaeria holmiiHeliconia orthotricha.


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