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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2018, Volume : 8, Issue : 12
First page : ( 283) Last page : ( 291)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Transformational leadership behaviour in select it companies in India

Miss. Hanjunkar Ujvala Madhukar1, Dr. Sankaranarayanan K. G.2

1Asstt. Professor in Commerce, Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Parvari-Goa. India. ujvalah@yahoo.com

2Associate Professor in Commerce & Director, Zantye College Research Centre, Bicholim-Goa. India. kgsnarayanan@gmail.com

Online published on 23 January, 2019.


Transformational leadership theory was developed by Burns (1978) and later enhanced by Bass (1985, 1998) and others (Avolio & Bass, 1988; Bass & Avolio, 1994; Bennis & Nanus, 1985; Tichy & Devanna, 1986). Transformational leadership theory evidence that the leader's ability to motivate the follower to accomplish more than what the follower planned to accomplish. In the present-day, IT (Software) companies in India is undergoing considerable changes in response to the changing business environment. The aim of this study is to analyse transformational leadership behaviour in IT (software) companies in India. A total of 100 team members rated team leader on Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire in IT (software) companies of India. The results of the study showed that, on an average, the level of transformational leadership is more or less the same as the level of transactional leadership, as leaders exhibited these styles of leadership most often.



Laissez-faire Leadership, Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership.


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