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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year : 2014, Volume : 35, Issue : 1
First page : ( 163) Last page : ( 168)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070. Online ISSN : 2249-5231.

Analysis of prospects and problems of goat production in Bundelkhand region

Singh M. K.1,*, Dixit A. K.1, Roy A. K.2, Singh S. K.1

1Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom-281 122, Uttar Pradesh, India

2Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi-28 4003, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: manojnaip@gmail.com

Online published on 8 October, 2014.


Data on different attributes of goat production were collected from 194 households of 16 selected villages of Hamirpur and Mahoba districts of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. Majority of goat keepers were literate (75%), belonging to backward (54%) and schedule caste (37%) communities. Goats were predominately kept by marginal (35%), landless (29%) and small (26%) land holding categories. Goat keeper's average family size, annual income and contribution of goat in total income was 5.80±0.18, Rs 56725±4408 and 15.5%, respectively in Hamirpur and 6.18±0.28, Rs 48149±3631 and 14.30% in Mahoba district, respectively. Majority (63%) of goat farmers kept goat in mixed livestock farming system with average flock size of 9.17 in Hamirpur and 7.6 in Mahoba district. Goats in medium and large flocks were maintained mainly on range grazing and lopped fodder. Goats in small flocks were predominantly (>65%) reared through contract grazing @ Rs 50–100 per goat per month. Breeding bucks were available with large flocks only. Goats were housed in human dwelling (50%), with cows and buffaloes (32%) and alone in separate verandas/enclosures (18%) in Hamirpur district. Corresponding goat housing type was 45, 39 and 16%, respectively in Mahoba district. The age at first kidding, kidding interval, litter size, lactation length, total milk yield and daily milk yield were 17.3±0.4 months, 8.2±0.2 months, 1.2±0.04, 123±5 days, 59.0±2.6 liter and 0.470±0.04 liter/day in Hamirpur district. Corresponding values were 18.7±0.5 months, 9.3±0.2 months, 1.3±0.5, 129±4 days, 63.5±2.7 liter and 0.51±0.08 liter/day, respectively in Mahoba district. Pneumonia, diarrhea, endo-parasitic diseases, PPR, FMD, abortions were major health problems. Annual mortality in kids (up to 6 months) and adult goats were 17.4 and 13.6%, respectively. Feeding and labour (grazing charges) accounted for 63.39% and 31.21% of recurring cost of goat production. Males (>70%) were sold up to the age of 6 months and mostly (92%) through middleman. Sale of male accounted for more than 64% of income from goat rearing. Goat milk for family consumption was 25.94 and 40.04 percent in villages of Hamirpur and Mahoba. Different constraints for goat production in Bundelkhand region have been highlighted and corrective measures for improvement have been suggested.



Bundelkhandi goat, Fodder, Mixed farming, Production system, Prophylactic measures, Rangeland, Strategic feeding.


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