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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2018, Volume : 8, Issue : 12
First page : ( 263) Last page : ( 271)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Periyar'S ideas on women's rights and its relevance in the modern period

Kalaivanan S., M.A., M. Phil, Dr. Palanichamy P., M.A., Ph. D

Online published on 23 January, 2019.


Periyar advocated for the rights of women and was considered ahead of his time as well as controversial. Throughout the Indian sub-continent today, women continue to be marginalized in various ethnic and religious groups. During the early part of the twentieth century, there have been many agitations against British rule and injustices committed amongst the people of the sub-continent. With all this, women's rights have been left in the dark. Periyar stated that "political reformers are agitating that the privilege of administering "India" should go to "Indians". Social reformers are agitating that communal divisions and differences should be done away with. But nobody takes notice of the great hardship suffered by one section of women. Intelligent people will agree that the creator has not endowed men and women with different faculties. There are, in men and women, intellectuals, courageous people, as well as stupid and cowardly people. While this is the case, it is unfair and wicked on the part of the haughty male population to continue to denigrate and enslave the female population. Periyar has explained that it is extremely cruel on the part of the Hindu brethren to witness the gradual destruction suffered by one half of their society, without taking any action. This apart, men and women are both human beings. The difference in physical features will not change the human quality. The difference in intellect and physical strength which we find among men can be found among women also. Practice improves the position equally in both men and women. Just as there are foolish people, weaklings and people with bad qualities among men, among women also there are likely to be people belonging to these categories. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the views of Periyar on women's rights.



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