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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 274) Last page : ( 284)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Managing cotton marketing through cooperative societies (A study with reference to tirupattur taluk of Tamilnadu)

Inbaraj J. Jacob Stanley, Ph.D Research Scholar, Dr. Basha M., HOD & Research Supervisor

Economics, Islamiah College (Autonomous), Vaniyambadi

Online published on 4 July, 2012.


Cotton is one of the major crops cultivated in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu and automatically it demands for cotton marketing as well proportionately. This business contributes a lot to the cultivators of it and provides economic growth to the family and the district. Marketing of cotton faces a heavy damage due to the insufficient cooperative societies, although there are societies which deal with other crops other than cotton. The major problems arise due to the influences of intermediaries. Notable problems are like false pricing to the illiterate farmers, false weighing, and incorrect information etc. As per the records of Vellore district, Tirupattur is the leading producer of cotton, hence this study wants to know the requirements of the “cotton marketing”, necessity of cooperative societies, to identify the financial loss of the farmers due to the intermediaries’. Based on Random Sampling method the 100 registered farmers of the society were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using the least square method, percentage method, correlation and regression. The findings of the study revealed that there is a necessity of more cooperative societies because of its various advantages among the cotton cultivators. The findings filled the major gap between the farmers selling through the cooperative societies.



cotton marketing, cooperative societies, intermediaries, cultivators & farmers.



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