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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 5
First page : ( 114) Last page : ( 119)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.00422.9

Equity in Health Care Coverage in Urban and Rural Community-Crossectional Analysis of Immunization Coverage and its Determinants

Bhaskar S Vijay1,*, Kumar M Kiran2, Gupta Rajul K3

1Jt Dir AFMS (Health), Min of Defence

2SHO, Vishakapatnam

3Dir AFMS (Health), Min of Defence

*Corresponding author; S Vijay Bhaskar Jt Dir AFMS (Health), Min of Defence

Online published on 29 May, 2018.



Equity of health coverage and its impact have led to initiatives to collect and analyze data on how health outcomes and services are distributed across social and economic groups. Socioeconomic status is an important determinant of the standard of living and health status as it influences the incidence and prevalence of various health conditions. Wealth-based inequalities in health care provision and utilization are endemic to the developing world and India is no exception.


The study intended to analyse the factors associated with immunization coverage and compare various socioeconomic determinants associated with the effective utilization of health coverage in rural and urban areas in relation to the immunization coverage.

Material and Method

The study was a cross-sectional analytical study. The mothers/reliable informants in the family were individually interviewed, using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. A child was categorized as fully immunised, non-immunised, partially immunised and Immunised for Age.


Overage of vaccines under UIP at urban & rural communities showed a marked variation. In both urban & rural communities there was a significant association between Immunisation coverage & mothers education. The main reason for missed immunization observed was ignorance 35.4% & 45.3% respectively at rural & urban community. Other common reasons include casual attitude of the parents (18.5% in urban area) and sick child (13% in rural area). Gender differential was evident in the immunisation coverage. Lower birth order had a favorable chances to get vaccinated. There exists a wide gap in the knowledge regarding correct age of administration, doses, place of vaccination. A well established primary health care setup was seen at rural community but no such provision at urban community.


The need of the hour is an equitable, participatory and intersectoral approach to health and health care. Provision of vaccination should not be treated as the sole responsibility of the health sector. Convergence, De-centralization, community participation and Social inclusion is the need of the hour.



Immunisation, Urban, rural, Comparative, Dropout.


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