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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2022, Volume : 36, Issue : 1spl
First page : ( 166) Last page : ( 166)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

A study on benefits of E- Nam markets perceived by farmers and traders: A case in anaimalai and gopichettipalayam markets in Tamil Nadu

Rani S. Padma, Vidhyavathi A., Hemalatha S.

Department of Agrl. Economics and Department of Agrl. & Rural Management, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Online Published on 16 April, 2022.


National Agriculture Market (NAM) is an electronic trading portal that connects the existing APMC markets to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities. In Tamil Nadu, about 282 regulated markets are functioning under 23 market committees. Of these Sixty three regulated markets have been brought under the e NAM system in two phases during 2017–2020. The present study was conducted in Anaimalai and Gobichettipalayam, Regulated Markets. The major objectives of the study are i) to assess the level of awareness about e-NAM among farmers and traders ii)to study the willingness to participate in eNAM trading by farmers and traders iii) to study the benefits and constraints perceived by farmers, traders, and market offcials in adoption of e-NAM. Primary data was collected from 60 farmers and 60 traders in Gobichettipalayam & Anaimalai regulated markets. Binary Logit regression model was used to know the willingness to participate in e Nam marketing by farmers and traders. Analysis of results shows that the about 30% registered farmers are unaware of e-NAM. The major factor influencing the participation of farmers in eNAM is remunerative price, income and IT knowledge which have a positive influence on willingness to participate in eNam trading. Whereas, distance from farm to market had a negative influence on willingness to accept eNam. The major factors influencing the traders’ participation is the level of IT knowledge. Inadequate infrastructural facilities and delayed payment (95%) are the major constraints faced by farmers in the study markets. lack of awareness and computer skills knowledge among farmers made them diffcult in understanding e-NAM process.



E trading, Regulated Market, Assaying, Logit regression.


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