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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 9
First page : ( 231) Last page : ( 242)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

A case study on attitude of rural and urban customers of khadi products

Dr(Mrs.) Padmasani*, Muruganandan S.**, Yazhini M.***

*Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641046

**Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641046

***Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641046

Online published on 7 September, 2012.


Knowing the customers’ attitude is important for the marketing managers as it produces consistency in behavior and relates to the preferences of the product or service. Moreover, the market opportunities can be clearly perceived through a comparison of the rural and urban consumers’ attitude and satisfaction. In this context, the attitude assessment would help the Khadi institutions’ management in revamping and renovating their Khadi outlets and thereby making the Khadi and Village Industries’ (KVI) products more competitive and remunerable. Hence, the present study aims to examine the attitude and satisfaction towards Khadi products and to compare the rural consumers with their urban counterparts. The statistical tools such as ANOVA, paired t- test, correlation analysis were used apart from Fishbein's Multi-Attribute Attitude measurement model. This study finds that rural and urban customers not significantly differ in attitude and satisfactions towards Khadi product. Moreover, the attitude towards Khadi products has significant positive relationship with the customers’ satisfaction. Hence, the policy makers in Khadi and Village Industries (KVI) may adopt single strategy for the whole market without differentiating the rural and urban area in augmenting the sales of Khadi products.



Khadi products, Fishbein's attitude model, Satisfaction and Rural.



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