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Vegetable Science
Year : 2016, Volume : 43, Issue : 2
First page : ( 257) Last page : ( 262)
Print ISSN : 0970-6585. Online ISSN : 2455-7552.

Residual heterosis, combining ability and gene action studies for quality traits in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)

Chattar Shilpa, Sharma Akhilesh*, Kumari Vedna, Rana Chanchal

CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176062, HP

*Corresponding author, email: assharmaakhil1@gmail.com

Online published on 12 July, 2017.


The estimates of GCA effects showed that the line ‘Pusa Sadabahar’ observed to be a good general combiner for all three traits viz., ascorbic acid, capsaicin content and oleoresin followed by Pusa Jawala and Arka Lohit for oleoresin and capsaicin content. Amongst the testers, ‘Surajmukhi’ was the most promising as evident from its good GCA for all three traits. On the basis of SCA effects, cross combination ‘PAU Selection Long × Surajmukhi’ was good specific combiner for all the three quality traits viz., ascorbic acid, oleoresin and capsaicin content. Gene action studies revealed that the estimates of óSCA2 were higher than óGCA2 (average) for all the traits indicating the predominant role of non- additive gene action governing these traits. The per cent contribution of lines played a significant role in the expression of different characters for total genetic variance in different cross combinations followed by tester and their interactions. The magnitude of dominance variance indicated the involvement of non-additive gene action for all the traits which can be best utilized by deferring selection to the later generations to develop superior open pollinated varieties by advancing segregating material through single seed descent or bulk pedigree method or single fruit descent method with one or two intermatings like recurrent selection or diallel selective mating design.



Chilli, heterosis, combining ability, oleoresin, capsaicin.


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