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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 10
First page : ( 235) Last page : ( 258)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Customer's perception's on crm practices in Indian banking sector: An empirical analysis

Das Sanjay Kanti

Head, Department of Commerce, Lumding College, Lumding, Assam.

Online published on 6 October, 2012.


CRM is a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring, retaining, and partnering with selective customers to create superior value for the company and the customer. It involves the integration of marketing, sales, customer service, and the supply chain functions of the organisation to achieve greater efficiencies and effectiveness in delivering customer value. The lack of understanding on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is always a concern among the service providers especially banks. The aim of this paper is to examine customers’ perceptions on CRM practices. Customer's perceptions in CRM practices in this paper is analysed with different dimensions of CRM namely customer acquisition, customer response, customer knowledge, customer information system, customer value evaluation, customer information process and customer service quality. Further in this paper effort is also undertaken to access the employee's perceptions on seven CRM constructs. Data collected by distributing a well structured questionnaire among 100 bank customers and 25 bank employees belonging to Guwahati city of Assam. Only 93 bank customers and 25 bank employees are participated in this study as their fill up questionnaires are found suitable. Perceptions on CRM practices are measured by using five point Likert scale. Simple descriptive statistics was employed to describe the sample. The results in this study show that bank customer are either agreed or strongly agreed on majority of the statements in the dimensions used. Further, majority of the bank employees have positive perception on CRM practices. However, the bank employees have negative perception on only 2 statements out of 9 CRM constructs. These two negative perceptions of bank employees on CRM construct demands immediate attention of the head office so that some measures and initiative are taken on customer centric recruitment culture and creation of customer database.



Banking Sectors, Customer acquisition, Customer response, Customer knowledge, Customer information system, Customer value evaluation, Customer information process, Customers’ Perceptions, Service quality.


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