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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2021, Volume : 35, Issue : 1
First page : ( 255) Last page : ( 255)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Production and marketing of green chilli crop in Sivagangai district of Tamil Nadu

Devika N., Jothi P., Renuka C., Suresh R.

Department of Economics and Rural Development, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India

Online published on 23 June, 2021.


Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most valuable crops of India which belongs to the solanaceae family. Chilli is one of the most important commercial crop occupies an area of 308.63 thousand hactare in India with production of 3592.17(MT). In Tamil Nadu the chilli was cultivated in 2.08 thousand hactare with a production of 27.14 thousand million tonnes during 2017-18. The study was conducted in Kalaiyarkovil block of Sivagangai district of Tamil Nadu in India. In order to study the economic analysis of production and marketing of green chilli cultivation, a total of 90 samples were selected through the stratified random sampling technique. The list of green chilli farmers so obtained has been further regrouped under the category of marginal, small and medium group on the basis of size of land holding. Data used were pertaining to the period 2019 20. The average area of holding in marginal size farms was 2.18 acre, small size farms was 3.40 acre and in medium size farms were 6.67 acre. The results of the study indicated that the total variable cost incurred by the marginal size farms, small size farms and medium size farms were (63089.27), (59373.94) and (59782.55) respectively. The gross returns obtained per acre at different price level by Marginal size farms, small size farms and medium size farms were (53739.29), (68516.07) and (56906.21) respectively. The average ratio of input-output was estimated as (1:2.70), (1:1.84), (1:1.69) and (1:1.34) across the different farms at different price level (Rs. 30, Rs. 22, Rs. 20 and Rs. 15) of the study area. Returns per rupee of investment were higher in small size farmers group than marginal and medium farmers group. It shows that the chilli production is more profitable in small farmers as compared to marginal and medium farmers group. On the whole, increased green chilli cultivation can help the farmers in terms of profitability with less cost of cultivation, which is very much essential in today’s agriculture.


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