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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 9
First page : ( 3528) Last page : ( 3533)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Evaluation of Heliconia Cultivars for yield under Yercaud

Sankari A.1,*, Anand M.1, Arulmozhiyan R.2, Kayalvizhi K.3

1Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Ooty

2Departmentof Horticulture ADAC&RI, TNAU, Trichy

3Department of Floriculture & landscaping, HC&RI, CBE

*email: sathatnau@yahoo.co.in

Online published on 23 December, 2016.


The experiment was conducted at Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yercaud during 2012–2013 in randomized block design with two replications under open conditions.. The different types of Heliconias were collected from different sources and evaluated for their performance underYercaud. The collected accessions were planted in spacing of 90X 90 cm. Five plants from each accessions were taken for recording observations on biometric and flowering characters viz., plant height(cm), plant spread in East-West and North-South direction(cm), number of shoots, leaf length (cm), leaf width(cm), spike length(cm), stalk length(cm), girth of stalk (cm) and number of flowers per clump per year. The results revealed that cv. Princess of Darkness resulted in the highest plant height (6. 3m) and plant spread in East-West direction (1. 50 m) and North-South(1. 60 m). Higher number of leaves was noticed in Parakeet (10. 5) and lower in Sexy Scarlet (3. 0). Maximumleaf length of 120 cm was recorded in Marginata Luta and leaf breadth was maximum in H. caribean flash (32. 0 cm). Maximum number of shoots production was recorded in cv. Trpoics (20). Maximum stalk length was observed in Sexy Scarlet (69. 0 cm). It could be concluded from the present investigation that the out of 38 types of Heliconia accessions, Lady Di, Strawberry Cream, Diroj, Lathyspathy and Fire Flash performed well under Yercaud and also observed that year round blooming was found tobe the best cultivars for floral quality and yield and recommended for cut flower production under Yercaud.



Heliconia, cultivars, evaluation.


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