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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 235) Last page : ( 252)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

A comparative study on working capital management of selected steel companies of India

Prof. Prajapati Kalpesh P*Assistant Professor, Prof. Patel Ritesh J.**Assistant Professor

*S.V Institute of Management, Kadi-382715, Gujarat, India

**S.V Institute of Management, Kadi-382715, Gujarat, India

Online published on 4 July, 2012.


The study is done on five steel companies namely, Steel Authority of India Ltd., Tata Steel Ltd., JSW Steel Ltd., Essar Steel Ltd. & Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. The study was done to know the comparative position of steel companies in working capital management and applying various analyses such as size- wise analysis, ratio analysis & operating cycle analysis by taking data from year 2006 to 2011. The study reveals that Tata steel ltd has highest growth of net working capital during holding period followed by Jindal steel ltd & it is negative with JSW steel. Average gross operating cycle is highest with Essar steel ltd i.e 92.36 days followed by SAIL i.e 88.38 and Jindal steel i.e 69.50 days. Net operating cycle of Jindal steel and Tata steel is negative in each year that shows there is a very good working capital management in these companies.



Working capital, Operating Cycle, Size-wise analysis.


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