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Annals of Horticulture
Year : 2022, Volume : 15, Issue : 2
First page : ( 251) Last page : ( 256)
Print ISSN : 0974-8784. Online ISSN : 0976-4623.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-4623.2022.00038.X

Influence of Potassic Fertilizers on Tuber Crops: A Review

Kumar Vipin, Mandal Mili Rani*, Tripathi Sonam, Singh Bijendra

College of Horticulture, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding Author: Email– milimandal15@gmail.com

Online Published on 22 June, 2023.


Tuber crop stem or root changed into enlarged organs to store food materials. Tuber cropsplays an important part in the human eating regimen. Tuber crops are second just insignificance to cereals as worldwide wellsprings of carbs. They give a significant region of theworld food supply they are very much adjusted to different soil and ecological circumstances and a wide assortment of cultivating systems. There are quantities of tubers which make a broadbiodiversity even inside a similar geological area. Hence, they change up the eating routine aswell as offering various attractive nutritional and medical advantages, for example,antioxidative, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, antimicrobial, and immunomodulatoryexercises. Various bioactive constituents, for example, phenolic compounds, saponins, bioactiveproteins, glycoalkaloids, and phytic acids are liable for the noticed impacts (2). Numerousstarchy tuber crops, with the exception of the normal potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes andcassava, are not yet completely explored for their dietary and medical advantages.In Asiannations, a few consumable tubers are likewise utilized as conventional medicine. Different food sources can be prepared utilizing tubers and they may likewise be utilized in industrialapplications. Processing might influence the bioactivities of constituent mixtures. Tubers havea tremendous potential as utilitarian food sources and nutraceutical ingredients to be exploredin sickness risk reduction and health. Potassium is the third significant plant and cropsupplement after nitrogen and phosphorus (16). Potassium (K), alongside nitrogen andphosphorus, is one of the three fundamental plant macronutrients, and is taken up by cropsfrom soils in moderately enormous sums. Potassium improves yields and works on the nature ofhorticultural produce. Potassium additionally upgrades the capacity of plants to opposeillnesses, bug attacks, cold and dry season stresses and other unfavorable circumstances. Ithelps in the improvement of a solid and sound root foundation and expands the proficiency of the take-up and utilization of nitrogen and different nutrients. Potassium influences the plant’scapacity to proficiently utilize nitrogen and helps water take-up in sweet potato(1). Potassium is the nutrient expected in bigger amount by cassava crop. Potassium assumes a significant partin a few biochemical and physiological cycles of plants what’s more being engaged with Nmetabolism, it can help in the speedy restoration of the leaf area of harvest, and contributes infurther developing yield. Potassium fertilizer meaningfully affects yam development. Among these are a larger number of leaves, branches, and tuber roots. Potassium likewise increments yam marketability since it improves the yam’s quality. Thus, it is a significant part of soil fertility in yam cultivation. Potassium application has found to increase lessening sugar content in potato tubers to limit level and will in general diminish after that. Cautious consideration ought to be given in Potassium treatment to boost the quality and yield of tuber (1).



Tuber crops, Potassium, Yield.



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