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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 10
First page : ( 209) Last page : ( 214)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

The emerging opportunities with green supply chain management

Ms. Patel Priyanka

Assistant Professor, Late Smt. Shardaben Ghanshyambhai Institute of Management Studies, Dharmaj.

Online published on 6 October, 2012.


In recent years, global manufacturing skills and techniques have changed drastically. Businesses prefer to be technologically efficient and frame strategies that address environmental as well as social issues. Customer awareness regarding environment preservation is increasing day by day leading to create environment friendly products by the manufacturers. Government also puts forward legislative actions to ensure environment protection. As a result, Companies focuses their strategies towards greening their supply chain. Companies not only create such products but also distribute them in a manner that does not harm the environment.

This research paper will provide a brief introduction to traditional supply chain management and the emergence of Green Supply Chain Management with an overview of the Green supply chain literature. It also attempts to briefly present best practices and implementation of Green Supply chain management strategies of Walmart, Tesco, Kodak and Hewlett Packard. The paper determines that Reverse Logistics and Distribution strategies are crucial to the success of these global giants in implementing Green Supply Chain Management.



Supply Chain Management, Green Supply Chain Management, Reverse Logistics.


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