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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2588) Last page : ( 2596)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Impact of Climate Change and Mitigation Strategies on Fruit Production

Dey Koyel1,*, Ghosh Arkendu1,**, Priya Bhanu2,***, Dutta Piyali1,****, Das Suddhasuchi3,*****

1Department of Fruits and orchard management

2Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding

3Department of Spices and Plantation Crops, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, 741252

*email: koyelfruits@gmail.com

** ghoshranasonai@gmail.com

*** bpriya543@gmail.com

**** mithi.rani11@gmail.com

***** das.suddhasuchi@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Global warming and climate change is the greatest concern of mankind in 21stcentury. The established commercial varieties of fruits will perform poorly in an unpredictable manner due to aberration of climate. Increase in average global temperature would move the existing plant species and varieties to new latitudinal belts with favourable climates. It is, therefore, possible that crops that are used to be productive in one area may no longer be so or the other way round. Commercial production of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate fruit crops particularly grown under open field conditions will be severely affected. Due to high temperature physiological disorder of horticultural crops will be more pronounced e.g. Spongy tissue of mango, fruit cracking of litchi, flower and fruit abscission in grapes etc. Air pollution also significantly decreased the yield of several horticultural crops and increases the intensity of certain physiological disorder like black tip of mango. Hence there is a need to protect these valuable crops for sustainability against the climate change scenario. The most effective way is to adopt conservation agriculture, using renewable energy, forest and water conservation, reforestation etc. To sustain the productivity, modification of present horticultural practices and greater use of greenhouse technology are some of the solutions to minimize the effect of climate change. Development of new cultivars of horticultural crops tolerant to high temperature, resistant to pests and diseases, short duration and producing good yield under stress conditions, as well as adoption of hi-tech horticulture and judicious management of natural resources will be the main strategies to meet this challenge.



Adaptation, Climate change, Fruit production, Global warming, Mitigation.


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