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Journal of Plant Disease Sciences
Year : 2009, Volume : 4, Issue : 2
First page : ( 199) Last page : ( 203)
Print ISSN : 0973-7456. Online ISSN : 0976-2388.

Effect of Different Chemicals, Plant Extracts and Bioagents Against Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides Causing Leaf Spot Disease of Jatropha

Watve Y. G., Diwakar M. P., Kadam J. J., Sawant U. K., Mundhe G.V.

Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, 415 712 Dist. Ratnagiri (M.S.) India.


Jatropha leaf spot disease was observed to the extent of 33.42 per cent during survey in the year 2005 at forestry farm. Among the fungicides tested, carbendazim (0.1 %), propiconazole (0.1 %), difenconazole (0.1 %) and copper oxychloride (0.3 %) inhibited growth and speculation of Colletotrichum gtoeosporioides Penz. to the extent of 100 per cent followed by Bprdeux mixture(l%), tridemefon(0.1%) and mancozeb(0.1%) resulting in 86.67 75.56 arid 65.19 per cent reduction of test fungus over control respectively. Among plant extracts, maximum inhibition was achieved in neem leaf extract (78.15 %) followed by garlic (58.89 %), sadafuli (57.04 %) and tulsi (55.93 %) respectively. The least reduction in colony diameter was due to glyricidia (25.93 %). In case of bioagents, maximum per cent inhibition was observed due to Trichoderma harzianum (83,33 %) followed by Trichoderma viride (77.78 %) and Bacillus subtilis (77.78 %) respectively. In vivo assay, Trichoderma harzianum recorded the lowest leaf spot intensity (24.74%) with per cent disease reduction of 21.45 while Trichoderma viride recorded (25.68%) with per cent disease reduction of 18.48 as compared to carbendazim (0.1 %) which recorded 7.38% distance with. the highest per cent reduction (76.65 %) over control.



Chemicals, bioagents, plant extracts, leaf spot disease, jatropha, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz..


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