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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 9
First page : ( 3514) Last page : ( 3518)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Effect of Eco-Friendly Insecticides on Honey Bee Pollinators in Sunflower Ecosystem

Basavaraj K.1,*, Naik Mohan I.2, Jagadish K. S.3, Sasvihalli Pramod B.4

1MARS, UAS, Raichur-584 104

2Department of Entomology, AINP on Rodent control, UAS, Bengaluru-560 065

3Department of Entomology, UAS, Bengaluru-560 065

4UAS, Raichur-584 104


Online published on 23 December, 2016.


Field investigations were conducted during 2012–13 to determine the effect of different biorational and botanical formulations on honey bee pollinator fauna occurring on sunflower at the Zonal Agricultural Research Station, UAS, Bangalore. The results revealed that there were significant differences were observed betweenthe treatmentsat five days after first spray, wherein Profenophos showed significantly lowest bee population over all other treatments and it was on par with Panchgavya (2.73), Bt-Halt (2.33), Neem Seed Kernel Extract (2.47), Parthenium hysterophorus leaf extract (3.00), Garlic chilli Kerosine Extract (2.87), Pongamia Seed Kernel Extract (2.40), HaNPV (2.60) and V-Bt (2.40). In case of A. cerana indica, a significant difference were observed between the treatments with respect to bee population at one day after first spray, wherein the GCKE treatment showed significant differences over all other treatments in recording lowest bee population(1.40) and it was followed by spinosad (1.60) and profenophos (1.60). Finally the number of bees were highest in the untreated check and it was on par with IPM module. It can be inferred that among biorationals the botanicals were relatively safer to Apis cerana indica and Apis dorsata compared to chemical insecticides in sunflower ecosystem.



Honey bees, pollinators, biorationals, botanicals, sunflower.


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