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Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
Year : 2021, Volume : 13, Issue : 3
First page : ( 479) Last page : ( 484)
Print ISSN : 0975-4261. Online ISSN : 0975-6892.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0975-6892.2021.00055.1

Effect of weed management practices on nutrient uptake and economics of Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) cultivation in Tarai region of Uttarakhand

Giri P.1,,*, Pandey S.T.2, Prajapati B.K.3, Jena N.K.4

1Department of Agronomy, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Balasore-756023, Balasore, Odisha, India

4Department of Seed Science, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Balasore-756023, Balasore, Odisha, India

2Department of Agronomy, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145, Uttarakhand, India

3Department of Agronomy, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Balaghat-481115, Madhya Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: pravamanjarigiri@gmail.com

Online published on 23 September, 2021.


A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2013 in Medicinal Plant Research and Development Centre (MRDC), G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar to know the effect of weed growth on nutrient uptake of weed and sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) under various weed management practices. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The major weed species in the experimental plot were Echinochloa colona, Echinochloa crusgalli, Dactyloctenium agyptium, Eleusine indica, Caesulia axillaris, Celosia argentea and Cyperus rotundus. Use of polythene mulch of 160 gauge thickness recorded significantly lower total weed population statistically at par with weed free and use of 100 gauge of polythene mulch and higher herbage yield (34.53 t/ha) and oil yield (221 kg/ha) as compared to other treatments. Weed accumulated significantly higher N, P and K of 109.15, 28.47 and 58.53 kg/ha, respectively under unweeded check treatment. The nutrient uptake by sweet basil for N, P, and K was significantly higher with 160 gauge polythene mulch (58.88, 10.34 and 32.71 kg/ha, respectively) as compared to unweeded check (29.54, 5.91 and 18.04 kg/ha, respectively). The maximum benefit cost ratio recorded with 160 gauge thickness of polythene mulch, suggested that it can be used as an alternative weed control technique particularly when labour is limiting factor in cultivation.



Mulch, Pendimethalin, Polythene, Straw mulch, Weed free, Nutrient uptake.



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