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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 76) Last page : ( 81)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2017.00164.4

Knowledge, Awareness and Attitude Towards Mental Illness among Adult Population of Dharwad District-A Cross Sectional Study

Jahagirdar Subhashri1, Lokare Laxmikant2,*, Bant D D3, Bathija Geeta V2, Godbole Maneesha4, Nekar Manjunath S4, Mahesh V K4

1Postgraduate, Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS, KIMS Campus, Vidyanagar, Hubli

2Associate Professor, Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS, KIMS Campus, Vidyanagar, Hubli

3Director, and Professor & HOD, Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS, KIMS Campus, Vidyanagar, Hubli

4Assistant Professor, Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS, KIMS Campus, Vidyanagar, Hubli

*Corresponding author: Dr. Laxmikant Lokare, Associate Professor, Dept of community Medicine, KIMS, KIMS Campus, Vidyanagar, Hubli-580022. Email ID: drlaxmikant25@gmail.com

Online published on 18 July, 2017.



People's beliefs and attitudes toward mental illness set the stage for how they interact with, provide opportunities for, and help support a person with mental illness. Such attitudes can be expressed positively or negatively. Negative attitude may result in avoidance, exclusion from daily activities, exploitation and discrimination of the mentally ill.

Materials and methodology

This was a community based cross-sectional study conducted in 4 different areas of the district, namely, a village, a block/taluka, an urban slum and urban area. The questionnaire was designed to assess the knowledge, awareness and attitude towards mental illness.


The knowledge of most of the manifestations was more in the urban area, less in the urban slum area and intermediate in taluka and village. There was unfavorable attitude towards mentally ill people in village area, better in urban slum area and intermediate in urban city and taluka area. The knowledge of causes of mental illness was poor in village area, better in urban city area and intermediate in urban slum and taluka. 43.5% people felt mental illness is preventable. 86% said we have responsibility to provide best possible care for people with mental illness. 77% said good health care services should be provided by Community Health Centre's.


As socio-economic status and literacy levels improved, the knowledge regarding manifestations, causes and treatment also increased. The knowledge, awareness and attitude towards mental illness were poor in the district.



Mental illness, attitude, beliefs, slum, literacy.


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