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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 8
First page : ( 189) Last page : ( 198)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Role of Right to Education Act to Promote Sustainable Development in India

Viswanath Mamta

Research Scholar, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Pune, India

Online published on 6 August, 2014.


The needs of man in the spheres of economy, environment and society are increasing day by day on account of the burgeoning population. But the natural resources are limited. Development comes at a cost of depleting resources. Sustainable Development to meet future needs was never as urgent as it is today. Education is the critical medium which can enable people to understand, work for and benefit from sustainable development and a sustainable future. Education for sustainable development is a process of lifelong learning which leads to a sustainable world. Many countries are integrating education for sustainable development in their schools and colleges. India is committed to sustainable development and has used the five year plans as a vehicle to carry forward major policies especially in health, education and rural development. India adopted a new schooling policy (The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009) with the Right to Education being made a fundamental right. Firstly, the paper will attempt to examine the role of school education policies in the light of sustainable development. Secondly, it will analyze whether Education for Sustainable Development has been integrated into the formal school education system and the national curriculum framework of India. Thirdly, it will try to find out the ways in which Right to Education should be institutionalized so that it can monitor and evaluate the contribution of Education for sustainable development to quality education. The approaches to education for sustainable development need to be institutionalized in Indian schooling system to ensure that a sustainable future can be secured.



Education, sustainable development, education policy, fundamental right.


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