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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 176) Last page : ( 187)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Recent trends in the livestock health and welfare in kolar district of Karnataka

Dr. Babu A. Sachindra, Associate Professor

Department of Dairy Economics & Business Management, Dairy Science College, KVAFSU, Hebbal, Bangalore-24

Online published on 4 July, 2012.


Kolar is the most progressive district when the animal production and productivity is concerned, as the district is considered to be as progressive in terms of dairy development. But the ultimate progress can be defined when the livestock is taken care of properly. The welfare can be defined with respect to presence of enough veterinary care and other welfare measures, which would ultimately results in greater production and productivity in the livestock. With regard to this a study has been conducted to measures the trends in the health and overall care of livestock in Kolar district.



Live stock, Productivity.


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