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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2022, Volume : 36, Issue : 3spl
First page : ( 167) Last page : ( 167)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Emerging Opportunities in Agricultural Marketing for FPOS in Biofuel Sector

Lowalekar Tushar, Ashok M.V.

Agri tech Startup BiofuelCircle, Pune

Online Published on 31 January, 2023.


Agricultural wastes are byproducts from the production, harvesting, and processing of agricultural products, including cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, poultry, dairy, and other raw materials. They are the by-products of agricultural product production and processing that might contain elements that are useful to people but whose economic worth may be lower than the expense of gathering, transporting, and processing them for such purposes. They can take the shape of liquids, slurries, or solids, depending on the system and type of agricultural activity. Animal waste (manure, animal carcasses) and food processing waste (only 20% of maize is processed and 80% is garbage) are both included in agricultural waste, also known as agro-waste. Crop waste (corn stalks, sugarcane bagasse, drops and culls from plants) is also included. Agricultural wastes are byproducts of the production and processing of agricultural goods; they may contain components that are useful to humans, but their economic value is lower than the expense of collecting, transportation, and processing for such purposes. Agricultural waste estimates are uncommon, but they are typically believed to provide a sizeable fraction of the world’s total trash to the industrialised world. Wastes from the illogical application of intensive farming techniques and the abuse of cultivation-related chemicals are typically present alongside agricultural expansion, having a significant impact on rural ecosystems in particular as well as the global environment in general. Typically, agricultural wastes come from a variety of sources, namely farming, raising livestock, and aquaculture. Currently, these wastes are applied in a variety of ways. # Tushar Lowalekar is Founding Member and Chief Business Officer at Agri tech Startup BiofuelCircle, Pune * M.V.Ashok, is a former CGM of NABARD and is currently with MIT World Peace University, Pune as Adjunct Professor of Agribusiness Management



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