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Year : 2017, Volume : 41, Issue : 3
First page : ( 228) Last page : ( 231)
Print ISSN : 0250-4758. Online ISSN : 0973-970X. Published online : 2017 September 1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-970X.2017.00056.6

Occurrence of lymphoid leukosis in poultry population of Mizoram

Bhutia L.D.1, Singh Y. Damodar1,*

1Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram-796014, India

*Corresponding author: e-mail: dsyengkhom66@gmail.com

Received:  24  September,  2017; Accepted:  26  September,  2017.


A study were undertaken to survey the prevalence of viral diseases of Poultry in Mizoram during March, 2013 to February, 2014. Out of 476 poultry carcasses examined, 208 (43.69%) cases were diagnosed as viral diseases. Among the viral diseases, 28 (5.88%) cases of lymphoid leukosis were recorded based on clinical history, gross and microscopic changes. The disease was found to occur in adult birds above 12 weeks of age with percent morbidity and mortality of 2–3% and 1.5–2.4%, respectively. The characteristic signs recorded during the study included weakness, diarrhea, dehydration, emaciation, anorexia, pale wattle and enlargement of the abdomen. The significant gross lesions were severe emaciation and dehydrated carcasses, markedly enlarged liver and spleen. Microscopically, liver, spleen and other visceral organs revealed aggregates of large lymphoid cells (lymphoblasts) of variable sizes. Confirmatory diagnosis was done based on characteristic microscopic changes in the affected organs.



Diagnosis, Lymphoid leukosis, Mizoram, Occurrence.


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