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Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics
Year : 2017, Volume : 36e, Issue : 2
First page : ( 218) Last page : ( 226)
Print ISSN : 0970-6577. Online ISSN : 2320-3226.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2320-3226.2017.00024.8

Estimation of availability and cost for complex system working in different climates

Aggarwal Mansi1, Dr Singh R.B.2, Dr Sharma Deepankar3,*

1Research Scholar, Monad University, Hapur, Pilkhuwa, Uttar Pradesh, 245101

2Prof., Dept. of Maths, Monad University, Hapur, Pilkhuwa, Uttar Pradesh, 245101

3Prof., Dept. o f Maths, Dr K N Modi Institute of Engg & Tech., Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, 201204

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Deepankar Sharma, Professor, Dept. of Maths, Dr K N Modi Institute of Engg & Tech., Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, 201204. E-mail: deepankarxyz@gmail.com

Online published on 16 January, 2018.


In the present study, the authors try to evaluate the availability and cost function for a complex system which works under different climatic conditions. The complete system is made of two distinct parallel redundant components. The system works in reduced efficiency on failure of any of the redundant unit. The repair arrangement is immediate available for this failed unit. In case of failure of both units, there is no output and system has to put on waiting in availing the repair facilities. The failure and repair rates will be different for working of system in different climates. The mathematical expressions for profit function, various transition-states probabilities and availability for the complete system have been computed. To enhance practical utilization of the present model, time independent behavior of the system and a particular case (when all repair rates follow exponential distribution of time) have also been obtained. A numerical computation and its graphical representation is highlighted at the end to showcase important results of the study.



Parallel redundancy, Markovian process, supplementary variables, steadystate, behavior, availability, cost function.


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