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The Journal of Indian Botanical Society
Year : 2021, Volume : 101, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 121) Last page : ( 130)
Print ISSN : 0019-4468. Online ISSN : 2455-7218.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2455-7218.2021.00020.6

Diversity of ethnomedicinal plants of kolhapur district, western ghats

Patil M. N.1*, Patil S. B.2

1Department of Botany, Yashvanrao Chavan Mahadiyalaya, Warnanagar-416 113

2Department of Botany, S. M. Dnyandeo Mohekar Mahavidyalaya, Kalamb-413 507

*E-mail: manpatil2020@gmail.com

Online published on 5 October, 2021.


From the birth of mankind there has been a relationship between life, disease and plants. The plants have been used in almost all cultures as a source of medicine. The extensive use of herbal medicines and healthcare compensations were described in prehistoric texts. These prehistoric texts had given the importance of plants and they are the source of medicines used by man from prehistoric times for relieving suffering and curing ailments. Therefore, the present investigation was undertaken to study the ethnomedicinal plants of the Western Ghats of Kolhapur district. A total of 141 ethnomedicinal species belonging to 114 genera spread over 64 families have been documented, of which 60 species were used by traditional practitioners, vaidus and tribals as a medicine.


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