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Agricultural Reviews
Year : 2023, Volume : 44, Issue : 1
First page : ( 92) Last page : ( 99)
Print ISSN : 0253-1496. Online ISSN : 0976-0741.
Article DOI : 10.18805/ag.R-2358

Impact of nagaland state rural livelihood mission (NSRLM) on livelihood status of women in Nagaland

Konyak Oungngoi C.S.1, Das Sanjoy1,*, Patra N.K.2

1Department of Agricultural Economics, Nagaland University, School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, Medziphema-797 106, Nagaland, India

2Department of Agricultural Extension, Nagaland University, School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, Medziphema-797 106, Nagaland, India

*Corresponding Author: Sanjoy Das, Department of Agricultural Economics, Nagaland University, School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, Medziphema-797 106, Nagaland, India, Email: das_san1@rediffmail.com

Online published on 6 April, 2023.



The Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission is the implementing agency for the NRLM in the state and embodies the principles and vision of NRLM while keeping in mind the unique features of the state. The Mission aims at bringing about sustained improvement in the household incomes, livelihood, well-being and empowerment status of the rural poor through sustained livelihood enhancements and improved access of financial and non-financial services. The present study was about an impact of NSRLM on socio-economic and livelihood status of rural women in Mon District of Nagaland.


A total of 100 respondents (80 beneficiary and 20 non beneficiary respondents) were surveyed. Ex post facto research design was used for the study. Both primary and secondary data were used. Collected data were scrutinized and statistically analyzed using statistical tools like t-test, Pearson's correlation analysis and index analysis to draw valid conclusions. To measure the impact, six types of assets viz., human assets, physical assets, natural assets, social assets, financial assets and food security were considered.


Annual income earned from different sources, expenditure and saving of NSRLM beneficiary respondents found increase in comparison to non beneficiary respondents. The average assets value, average annual household income and average annual household expenditure per household of the beneficiary respondents were found comparatively greater than that of non-beneficiary respondents. Beneficiary respondents remained significantly better off than that of non-beneficiary respondents in all six types of asset creation. Some of the independent variables viz., age, income and expenditure were found positively and significantly associated with creation of human assets, financial asset and food security among the beneficiary respondents.



Asset, Expenditure, Income, NSRLM.


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