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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 9
First page : ( 168) Last page : ( 172)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

An exploratory study on retailing factors in India with special reference to retail outlet branding

Dr. Raj J. Mohan*, Dr. Hajamohideen O. M.**, Mr. Shanmugam S.***, Mr. Sridhar A. Aldrin****

*Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, M.A.M B - School, Siruganur, Trichy-105

**Associate Professor, Research Supervisor & Head, Department of Business Administration, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam-614701, Thanjavur

***Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, M.A.M College of Engineering & Technology, Siruganur, Trichy-105

****Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, M.A.M College of Engineering & Technology, Siruganur, Trichy-105

Online published on 7 September, 2012.


India is witnessing an unprecedented consumption boom. The growing economy is resulting improvements in income dynamics. The factors like favorable demographics and spending patterns are driving the consumption demand. Indian Retail Industry is ranked among the ten largest retail markets in the world. The attitudinal shift of the Indian consumer in terms of "Choice Preference", "Value for Money" in food, groceries and clothing to lifestyle categories creates demand for delivering better quality and matching their tastes and preferences. The emergence of organized retail formats satisfies rising demand for such goods and services with many players entering the bandwagon in an attempt to tap greater opportunities and transformed the face of Retailing in India.



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