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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2567) Last page : ( 2478)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Management of Wastes from Vegetable Processing Industry-A Review

Das Ranjit Kumar1, Mallikarjunarao K2

1Horticulture Training Institute, Nildunguri, Sambalpur, Odisha-768112

2Department of Vegetable Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar-751003

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Fruits, vegetablesand ornamental plants are the main components of Horticulture. The production of vegetables in India and J&K has been steadily increasing every year and is now estimated at 156.32 million tonnes and 3.90 million tonnes of vegetables. Presently, India is ranking as second largest producer of vegetables in the world. In spite of this, India has to bear a great loss due to wastage of large percentage of produce. This loss occurs due to the lack of post harvest facilities like storage, transport, processing, linkage between growers and vegetable markets. This loss has been estimated as 30% of the total annual production of vegetables. Only 2% of total production of vegetables is processed in our country against 70% in some developed countries like Brazil and Philippines. The estimated post harvest loss of vegetables in developing countries is maximum in sweet potato (35–95%) followed by lettuce (62%), tomato (5–50%), cauliflower (49%). Vegetable waste includes seed, skin and trimmings in tomato, vines and pods in peas, stems in okra, etc. These wastages contain more amounts of starch, protein, cellulose and hemicelluloses. Possible by-products from wastes in processing units are animal feed, seed oil, beverages and bakery products, margarine, citric acid, lactic acid, carrot pomace powder, mucilage powder, cheese, organic manure, vermicompost and biogas etc.



Biogas, Margarine, Vegetable waste.


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