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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 6
First page : ( 2077) Last page : ( 2082)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Effect of No-Till and Anchored Residue on Weeds and Yield of Dry Direct Seeded Rice

Singh Nikhil Kumar1, Singh U P1, Jaiswal D K2,*, Singh D.K.3

1Department of Agronomy, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi

2Department of Entomology and Agriculture Zoology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi

3Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi

*email: deeraj3024@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


A field study was carried to evaluate the crop establishment and weed management options for dry direct seeded rice (DSR) in the Institute for Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, India during monsoon season in 2008 and 2009. The total weed flora observed during experimentation wastwenty two including; grasses, sedges and broad-leaved weeds. Data were recorded on weed dynamics, crop growth and yield of the direct-seeded rice crop. Rice established by Zero-till DSR with 40 cm anchored residue had minimum density of grasses, sedges and broad-leaved weeds and dry weight at 20 days after sowing (DAS). Among weed management methods, use of pendimethalin 1000 g/ha (preem) fb azimsulfuron 35 g/ha at 15–20 DAS + one HW at 40 DAS proved to be most effective in minimizing the weed density, weed biomass and enhancing the weed control efficiency (84.45% and 85.42%). The maximum grain yield, straw yield and biological yield found with application pendimethalin 1000 g/ha (preem) fb azimsulfuron 35 g/ha at 15–20 DAS + one HW at 40 DAS and which was significantly superior over rest of the treatments during both the years of experimentation.



Azimsulfuron, Direct seeded rice (DSR), Weed control efficiency, Reduced tillage.


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