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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year : 2011, Volume : 32, Issue : 2
First page : ( 131) Last page : ( 134)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070. Online ISSN : 2249-5231.

Variability in growth characters among progenies of Pongamia pinnata (L) Pierre

Kaushik N.*, Mann Suman, Kumar Krishan

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University Regional Research Station, Bawal – 123501 (Haryana) India

*Corresponding author e-mail: nk20025@rediffmail.com




Chandra Sekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology



Genetic Advance



Genotypic coefficient of variation



Indira Gandhi Agricultural University



National Research Centre for Agroforestry



Phenotypic co-efficient of variation



Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Online published on 14 February, 2012.

Received:  18  October,  2011; Accepted:  27  December,  2011.


Genetic variation in growth traits of progenies of Pongamia pinnata (L) Pierre was estimated under rainfed conditions at Bawal (Haryana), India. The seeds of plus trees were procured from four net work partners viz. IGAU, Raipur (Chhattisgarh), CSAUA&T, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), NRCAF, Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh) and TNAU, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu). Seeds of 15 plus trees selected from Haryana were also used. The growth characters were recorded at the age of 4.5 years. The differences among progenies were significant for all the growth traits. The progeny (P7) CSK11 attained significantly higher height (6.28 m), crown spread (579.0 cm) and collar girth (49.7cm) than other progenies. The progeny (P14) NRCP-16 was ranked number 2 in terms of growth performance. Maximum phenotypic coefficient of variation (32.92) and genotypic coefficient of variation (21.62) was observed for girth at breast height. Heritability (%) values for height (62.8), collar diameter (58.6) and crown spread (54.2) were observed high. The genetic gain was 26.52, 26.35, 32.59, 29.31 and 20.12 per cent of general mean for height, crown spread, collar girth, girth at breast height and clear bole height, respectively.



Genotypic coefficient of variation, Karanja, Phenotypic coefficient of variation, Plus tree, Pongamia pinnata, Progenies.


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