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Year : 2021, Volume : 13, Issue : 2
First page : ( 289) Last page : ( 301)
Print ISSN : 0975-4261. Online ISSN : 0975-6892.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0975-6892.2021.00032.0

Local processing methods for commonly used medicinal plants in South Africa

Nwafor Ifeoma C.*, Manduna Idah T.

Centre for Applied Food Sustainability and Biotechnology (CAFSaB), Central University of Technology Free State, South Africa

*Corresponding author e-mail: inwafor@cut.ac.za

Online published on 25 June, 2021.


The processing of medicinal plants aims to add value and extract as many ingredients as possible while improving the shelf-life of herbal ingredients. However, the methods used for local processing of medicinal plants remain a grey area. Using a survey of available literature, this study reported on the processing methods used by local processors of herbal products in South Africa. Thirty plant species belonging to four families Fabaceae, Apiaceae, Hyacinthaceae and Asteraceae, listed as having high medicinal value were identified and the methods of processing of herbal ingredients were explored. Decoctions were found to be the most used method followed by infusions, drying, powdering and fermentation of various plant parts. Primary processing methods were mostly carried out by households, traders and traditional medicine practitioners, with minimal reporting of industrial-level processing activities. While there is immense interest in the preparation of medicinal plants for their therapeutic uses, uniformity and standard methods of processing will ensure higher quality and reliability of herbal medicines.



Agro-processing, Decoctions, Herbal, Infusion, Medicine, Plants, Preparations, Quality.


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