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Journal of Progressive Agriculture
Year : 2021, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 102) Last page : ( 107)
Print ISSN : 2229-4244. Online ISSN : 2278-0556.

Review on emerging dietary pattern - Veganism

Krishnaveni T.R Sridevi1*, Parthasarathi G.1, Nisha R.2, Chandrakumar M.3

1Teaching Assistant, Institute of Agriculture, TNAU, Kumulur, Trichy

2Assistant Professor, Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture, Erode

3Assistant Professor, Dept of ARM, AC & RI, TNAU, Coimbatore

*Email: srideviens@gmail.com. Phone - 8508437317

Online Published on 29 January, 2022.


Veganism is a fastest growing food tend in western countries. It has also started to spread its wings in India. It is essential to analyse and understand the nature, scope, advantages and disadvantages with the system before it flourishes with unanticipated consequences. Limited literatures could be seen on this emerging concept with an Indian perspective. Thus this paper attempts to explore all possible impacts of vegan diet on multiple aspects like agriculture, dairy sector, health, climate and environment, economy and emergence of new agro-based industries. Several national and international research and review articles, annual reports and internet contents were collected and reviewed for this paper. Vegan dietary pattern equally has both pros and cons in terms of health, environment and economy. Thus most in-depth research and proper investigation are required to streamline the emerging concept to reap maximum benefits.



Vegan, Veganism, India, Impact, Health, Environment, Economy, Plant based products, Plant based meat, Plant based alternatives.


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