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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2003, Volume : 3, Issue : 2
First page : ( 195) Last page : ( 200)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963. Online ISSN : 0974-181X.

Nutritional Quality of Three Varieties of Berseem in Sheep Fed as Hay

Mahanta S.K.*, Pachauri V.C., Singh N.P., Malviya D.R.1, Roy A.K.1, Sharma M.S.2

Plant Animal Relationship Division Indian Grassland, Fodder and Agroforestry Research Institute Jhansi-284 003, India

Received:  2  December,  2002.


Fifteen adult crossbred (Local × Corriedale) male sheep (34.4±1.44 kg), divided into three groups of five each, were fed two improved varieties (JHB-98-1 and JHTB-96-4) of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum) against a check, JHB-146 as hay. JHTB-96-4 contained relatively higher CP (16.1%) but lower fibre (ADF: 40.7%) than both JHB-146 and JHB-98-1. But there was no significant difference in daily dry matter intake (DMI), calculated as kg/100 kg body weight or g/kg W0.75, and digestibility of nutrients among the varieties, except higher (P<0.05) total daily DMI in JHTB-96-4. All the animals were in positive nitrogen balance. However, daily nitrogen intake (27.5 g) as well as retention (7.60 g) was significantly higher in JHTB-96-4 variety. The TDN content was comparable among the varieties, but DCP content (%) was lower in JHB-98-1 (7.98) than both JHB-146 (10.25) and JHTB-96-4 (10.18). It was concluded that berseem varieties evaluated as hay were nutritionally comparable, except lower DCP content in JHB-98-1.


Key words

Berseem variety, Hay, Nutritional quality, Sheep.


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