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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2024, Volume : 24, Issue : 2
First page : ( 405) Last page : ( 417)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963. Online ISSN : 0974-181X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-181X.2024.00031.X

Nutritive values of some local feed resources and digestibility of diets based on dried cashew apple (Anarcadium occidentale) in local breed pigs in Senegal

Ayssiwede S.B.*, Atchiwassa S., N’zi R.K.2, Ossebi W.1, Kabore B., Malou R.2, Diop M.2, Missohou A.

Laboratory of Animal Feeding and Nutrition (LANA)/Service of Animal Productionand Nutrition; Ecole Inter-Etats des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires (EISMV), de Dakar; BP: 5077, Dakar-Fann, Senegal

1Rural Economy and Management Service, Ecole Inter-Etats des Sciences et Medecine Veterinaires (EISMV), de Dakar; BP: 5077, Dakar-Fann, Senegal, ossebi_3@yahoo.fr

2Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA); BP: 3120, Dakar-Senegal

*Corresponding author: s.ayssiwede@gmail.com, orayissimbos@yahoo.fr

Online Published on 24 May, 2024.


This work carried out from May 2016 to January 2017 in Dakar was to study the nutritive values of local feed resources (19 nos.) from Casamance region and the digestibility of diets based on dried cashew apple pulp (CAP) in local pigs. Six male pigs (21.2±7.5 kg) live body weight (LBW) were divided into 3 treatment groups of 2 pigs viz., CAP0, CAP10 and CAP20 containing 0, 10 and 20% of CAP. A one week adaptation period for the pigs in their individual metabolic cage was observed before the start of the trial. Then they were fed ad-libitum each diet according to a Latin square design. The results showed that the various feed resources used in pig feeding in Casamance are good sources of nutrients. The CAP incorporated up to 20% in the pigs’diet proved to be a substitute of energy, fiber and protein feed, and had no adverse effect on their health, FI, ADG, FCR and digestibility of nutrients except ether extract (EE) which was significantly lower with CAP20 compared to the control diet. It would be useful to conduct a longer study on young pigs to evaluate the effects of incorporation of CAP in their diet on their fattening performances and profitability.



Cashew apple pulp, Digestibility, Feed resources, Local breed pigs, Nutritive value.


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