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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 8
First page : ( 3034) Last page : ( 3045)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Studies on Combining Ability for Seed Yield and Yield Components in Castor (Ricinus communis L.)

Udasi R. N.*, Sakhare S. B., Nagdeve M. B.

AICRP for Dryland Agriculture, Post Graduate Institute, Dr. PDKV, Akola, 444104, Maharashtra, India

*email: ravirajudasi@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Combining ability for 18 characters was studiedusing line X tester mating design involving 5 females (lines) and 14 males (testers) in castor. Combining ability analysis revealed that gca variances were significant for all the characters except oil content and tannin content, whereas, sca variances were significant for all the characters effective length of tertiary spikes, number of secondary spikes and 100 seed weight, reiterating the preponderance of non-additive gene action in the inheritance of these characters. The study alsorevealed that AKC-1, Aruna and 48-1 among females while SKI 80, RG 1692, RG 1103, RG 1284, RG 1642, RG 2236 and RG 2328 among males were superior and consistent general combiners for seed yield and majority its yield contributing characters. AKD-1, RG 1252, RG1692, RG 2236, RG 2328 and SKI 80 were found to be goodgeneralcombiners for days to 50% flowering of primary spikes, days to 50% maturity of primary spikes, number of nodes upto primary spikes and plant height. Good general combiners for oil content and tannin content were AKD-1 and AKC-1 among females and RG1284 and RG 1692 amongst the males respectively. The per se performance of crosses is not correlated with the sca effects of the crosses. The study also suggested the involvement of at least one good general combiner as parent result in better yielding cross. A parallel behavior was observed between per se performance and general combining ability effects of parents. The best two crosses recorded maximum significant positive sca effects for seed yield were AKC-1 X RG 550 and DCS-9 X RG 1284.



Castor, Ricinus communis, combining ability, line x tester analysis, gca, sca.


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