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Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery
Year : 2015, Volume : 1, Issue : 4
First page : ( 261) Last page : ( 264)
Print ISSN : 2395-1354. Online ISSN : 2395-1362.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2395-1362.2015.00039.0

A study on stages and mode of treatment of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral headcases in a Tertiary care center

Hanumantharaya GH1,*, Kamala GR2, Ramesh K3

1Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics, Basaveshwara Medical College and Hospital, Chitradurga, Karnataka, India

2Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Basaveshwara Medical College and Hospital, Chitradurga, Karnataka, India

3Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, VIMS, Ballari, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author: E-mail: ramspsm@gmail.com

Online published on 3 February, 2016.



Avascular necrosis of the hip bone is an increasingly common cause of musculoskeletal disability, and it poses a major diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The disease affects mostly young adults within their 3rd and 5th decade, the majority of the patients being men. The aim of this paper is to present the findings of stages and modes of treatment of patients diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the femoral head, admitted in the Orthopaedics Department of the Clinical and Emergency Hospital.

Material and Method

A descriptive study was conducted among 20 patients diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the femoral head and who were admitted in the Orthopedics Department of the Clinical and Emergency Hospital. The obtained findings were processed statistically to correlate clinical and laboratory data of patients diagnosed with this condition.


The majority of our cases were in the 4th decade. It was also noticed that 9 hips (28.13) with stage III, 8 hips (25%) with stage II and 2 hips (6.25%) associated with stage I disease. Total Hip Replacement was done in 2 cases (10%). Two patients (10%) were referred to other centers for further evaluation.


The results of the study presented in this paper correspond with related research results found in the consulted literature.



Avascular necrosis, Core decompression, Fibular grafting, Osteonecrosis.


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