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Year : 2011, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 110) Last page : ( 112)
Print ISSN : 0972-5687. Online ISSN : 0974-083X. Published online : 2011  1.

Concealment of Birth of an Identified New Born Child a Case Report


1Associate Professor Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Govt. medical College, Amritsar (corresponding author)

2Assistant Professor Deptt. of Obs. & Gyn, SGRMS Sri Guru Ram institute of Medical Sciences and research, Vallah, Amritsar


This paper relates to postmortem examination of a new born baby who was allegedly born to an unmarried 19 years female. The delivery was conducted by the parents of girl at their home. After the delivery, the new born was disposed of in a nearby well. The placenta was retained in the uterus. The condition of the girl deteriorated on account of excessive bleeding per vaginum, as a result of which she was admitted in a Govt. hospital for management. From here the true story was revealed, which led to the identification of recovered newborn child from well. The body of the new born was sent to the mortuary of Forensic Medicine Department of Government Medical College, Amritsar. Though it is not uncommon to conduct autopsies of new born babies u/s 318 IPC but these cases most of the times remain unidentified. But in this case the dead body was identified which led to filing of first information report under section 318IPC and prosecution was launched against the girl and her parents. The important postmortem findings of the new born of medico legal relevance are presented and discussed in this paper.



Child, Secretly disposal, Infanticide, Viable.


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