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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2021, Volume : 35, Issue : 2
First page : ( 174) Last page : ( 180)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Biopesticide mediated value chain of vegetables in Himachal Pradesh

Chauhan S.K, Sood Ajay, Sharma J.K, Sharma P.C

CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur

Online published on 27 August, 2021.


Over project period of six years from 2008–2014, as many as 2142 vegetable growers were directly trained for the adoption of biopesticide and bioagent technologies. The impact of biopestcide project was assessed in terms of both tangible and intangible cost and benefits. On account of intangible benefits the vegetable growers in the selected villages were made aware of the use of biopesticides and rearing of bio agents like corcyra. They were also made aware of the harmful effects of chemical pesticides and multiple benefits of biopesticides and bioagents to the farmers themselves and ultimate vegetable consumers at large. As much as 24% of them started cultivation of crops with biopesticides and bio agent technologies. Nearly 40% vegetable growers could reduce the amount and frequency of chemical pesticides. The vegetable growers particularly the progressive farmers who adopted biopesticide technology earned Rs 25537/ha as an incremental benefit over the chemical pesticide technology. Fourteen vegetable growers adopted corcyra rearing in the form of entrepreneurship during 4th and 5th year of the project who produced Corcyra @ 30-50cc/week from 50 cultured boxes on 450 -500cc in three month cycle which fetched them approximately 1000 strips @ Rs. 15/strip. The biopesticide project generated 25 mandays employment per beneficiary. However, on account of incremental income generation, the project could enhance the income by Rs 6550/beneficiary household. Besides, the project has helped in reducing the use of chemical pesticides to the extent of 115 kg (121 gm per farmer) valued at Rs 70380 (Rs 74 per farmer) in the project area and Rs 4.08 crore at the state level. In all, the cumulative contribution of biopesticide project was worked out to be Rs 32.26 lakh in the target area and Rs 3248.75 lakh projected at the state level over a period of six years with benefit cost ratio of 3.83 in 2013 and projected BCR of 3.85 for 2020 and 3.67 for 2030.


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