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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2022, Volume : 36, Issue : 1spl
First page : ( 107) Last page : ( 108)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Profitability and marketing efficiency of sorghum producers in Tamil Nadu

Saravanakumar V., Harishankar K., Karthick V.

Department of Agricultural Economics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore

Online Published on 16 April, 2022.


This study examines the profitability, marketing effciency and marketing constraints of sorghum farmers in Tamil Nadu. Primary data were collected from both producers and market intermediaries during 2018–19. Results show that sorghum production is profitable and its benefit cost ratio was more than one. There exists three major marketing channels for sorghum, of which, the channel routed through regulated market was profitable due to higher price realization and less number of market intermediaries. Majority of the farmers were heavily rely on local market intermediaries whereas less than 5% were using online government services like Agmarknet and DEMIC. Lack of organized markets and more number of intermediaries were the major constraints faced by the farmers in sorghum marketing. Therefore, it is recommended to impart necessary trainings on latest production technology to increase farm profitability; increasing awareness on online market services among farmers and encourage utilizing the services of organized markets to enhance marketing effciency.



Sorghum, Profitability, Marketing, Market information, Marketing constraints.



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