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TNNMC Journal of Community Health Nursing
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 44) Last page : ( 47)
Print ISSN : 2322-0244. Online ISSN : 2456-6969.

A new hope towards “king of diseases”-Nikshay

 Dhanalakshmi*,  Hemavathy**

*Associate Professor, Sree Balaji College of Nursing

**Principal, Sree Balaji College of Nursing

Online published on 23 May, 2017.


India has the highest TB burden in the world, accounting for one-fifth of all new TB cases and two-third of the cases in South and South-East Asia. While India has made great strides in addressing TB, many challenges remain to expanding case detection and treatment. Involvement of the private sector in casedetection, TBawareness and prevention, and promotion of safe and effective TB treatment practices is vital to the continued success of India Revised National TB control programme. NIKSHAY covers various aspects of controlling TB using technological innovations. Apart from web based technology, SMS services have been used effectively for communication with patients and monitoring the programme on day to day basis.



Awareness, Innovations, SMS, RNTCP, DOTS, NIKSHAY, NIC.


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