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International Journals of Marketing and Technology
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 212) Last page : ( 225)
Online ISSN : 2248-1058.

A Study on Consumer perceptions and Brand Equity Analysis of Men's shirts: foreign Brands Vs Domestic brands

Pughazhendi A.1, Thirunavukkarasu R.2

1Research Scholar (Full Time), PSG Institute of Management (PSG Institute of Technology), Coimbatore – 641 004, Tamil Nadu, India

2Asst. Professor, Management of Studies, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram- 637 408, Tamil Nadu, India

Online published on 29 June, 2013.


The present study investigates consumer perception of men's shirts on foreign brand and domestic brand in Coimbatore city. The need to understand the emerging markets and consumers has become big challenge for the corporate world especially in creating and managing a powerful brand. By developing a powerful brand, corporate can establish ‘brand equity’ and the equity assists firms in variety of ways to manage competition and to maintain market share. Branding is one of the most effective competitive tools and it is a challenging task for the marketer to nurture a brand into a strong, profitable brand. They are everywhere on the TV hoardings, posters and print media. Brands while proclaiming their positive qualities pull down those of their rivals. Intangible assets such as brands, patents and know now have become increasingly dominant elements of company value. Brands are widely recognized as corporate assets but have been historically evaluated based on non financial attributes like awareness, recognition and perceived value. Every marketer instinctively knows that his or her brand is valuable. Brand value is represented by the premium price a company gets at the time of transfer of ownership. However, the value for ongoing business is determined by the important financial term “Goodwill”. Buying behaviour of men apparels is changing one. Number of people visits the showroom with a brand in mind foreign and domestics brand because the quality and comfort of that brand are suitable for them. It is concluded in the study, that all the demographic factors and purchase pattern factors do not have significant influence on the buyer's choice of foreign and domestic brands. An attempt is made in this study to assess the consumer perceptions in respect of men's shirts in foreign brands or in domestic brand.



Consumer perceptions, foreign brand, Domestic brand, Brand equity, Mens shirts.


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